Conscious leadership

As the World Keeps Changing It’s Time to Update Our Mindsets

As the World Keeps Changing It’s Time to Update Our Mindsets

Today, even with my years of intense training and practice, I regularly get trapped in less productive mindsets. When I hold onto fixed, often unexamined beliefs about myself and the world, they interfere with accomplishing and expressing what really matters to me.

I see the leaders and teams I work with do the same. Frustrated by their results, they don’t understand what holds them back. They struggle to understand how their inner frameworks direct the way they behave.

When the world has changed, and life asks something more from us, it’s time to update mindsets whose usefulness has expired and consciously strengthen mindsets that support our active participation in the emerging future.

Leveraging the Learnings of Change

Leveraging the Learnings of Change

A fundamental axiom of change is that we are constantly faced with the unknown. Sometimes we need to do the best we can while we don’t know what to do.

When we invite dialogue, we expand the frame of what and where we pay attention. We can apprehend what we do know and put our attention on what we don’t yet know. Approaching the not knowing directly through good conversations, we can shift from reactive to proactive, gain critical insight, and exchange feeling alone for working together to act with care, compassion, and courage.

How to Mindfully Influence Those Closest to You

How to Mindfully Influence Those Closest to You

Over time, we all “sculpt” our interpersonal relationships with family, friends, colleagues, managers, and team members, and we are “sculpted by” those same relationships. In these tense and uncertain times, this practice strengthens and connects us with those closest to us.