Discover what’s possible when we come from Love in the world, whether at work or at home. What might change if we stepped into Love is a stand, a commitment, a way of being?
The Power and Gifts of Love: ONLINE Women’s Wisdom Retreat
Karen Wilhelm Buckley
Wisdom, mindful presence, clarity and skill for our world
A fundamental axiom of change is that we are constantly faced with the unknown. Sometimes we need to do the best we can while we don’t know what to do.
When we invite dialogue, we expand the frame of what and where we pay attention. We can apprehend what we do know and put our attention on what we don’t yet know. Approaching the not knowing directly through good conversations, we can shift from reactive to proactive, gain critical insight, and exchange feeling alone for working together to act with care, compassion, and courage.
In this time of physical distancing it’s easy to disconnect, isolate, hunker down, and wait for this to be over. While that is a viable choice, we could also use this time to lay the groundwork for a more fulfilling future.
It may seem like a contrary idea, but this is a great time to discover what we haven’t seen, heard, or experienced in the vast world of love and connection.