
How to Quiet your Inner Critic and Unleash your Leadership

How to Quiet your Inner Critic and Unleash your Leadership

Many of us suffer from the disabling effects of a harsh inner critic. It’s disempowering when we incessantly hear about our insufficiencies, especially when that voice is inside our heads.

In the past month, several clients mentioned the rise of a noisy inner critic because their lives aren’t as busy as they once were. Without the simple pleasures of getting a cup of coffee with a colleague or the distraction of popping into someone’s office for a chat, they are left alone with their own thoughts.

What I Learned from my Turning Point

What I Learned from my Turning Point

For some reason, this particular day, this moment, this choice felt like a Turning Point—one of those forks in the road.

It’s hard to admit, but every now and then I slide into an outdated, yet familiar, groove of insufficiency: “Nothing is enough. I’m not enough.” I lose confidence, feel inept. It’s not much fun…but I don’t stay there long. Usually I slide back into a groove of confident enthusiasm and focused intention pretty quickly.