The realization is beginning to take hold that what regenerates the planet also generates profit and long-term health for business. While this is no small task, rapidly evolving the impacts and innovating contributions of business is essential to put us on the path to a thriving, not dying, biosphere. Wise leaders are rethinking, reshaping, and reinventing business. The fashion industry, both apparel and footwear, is one place where innovative leadership is both needed and possible.
Invite your Wise Self to Lunch
My Wise Self seemed to be out to lunch. I walked my dog, seeking a new point of view. With no idea of my angst, he was bounded up the trail. As he frolicked. I stewed. Irritated with the way I handled a difficult client communication, I wanted to clean up the relationship mess I’d made, but I couldn’t stop thinking how I was right and she was wrong. I knew this was a trap.
The Girl Who Silenced the World
Tears filled my eyes as I listened again to the girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes speak to the UN. Her name is Severn Cullis-Suzuki, and her speech was given at a U.N. assembly in Brazil when she was twelve years old.
That was in 1992. Sadly, her words are as relevant today as they were then.
Every Woman has Something Wise to Say
Over the years, hundreds of women were my teachers. They taught me that every wisewoman has something she wants to say. She’s got a voice because she cares. When she listens to the wisdom of her heart, something really matters to her whether in the backyard with the kids, in a company as part of the senior management team, or holding political office – she is ready to speak up.
Trusting my Instincts, My Leadership is More Powerful
The Wise Leader
The Wise Leader This article published in the Harvard Business Review points to the limits of the knowledge pool we normally draw upon in making daily decisions.