Unconscious mindsets shape the narrative of our lives. Conscious leadership starts from the inside out: the mindsets we reinforce drive the way we behave and give rise to the results we experience. Whether innovating policy, designing solutions to the climate crisis, building resilient communities, or living a beautiful life, more empowered and resourceful ways of thinking, relating, living, and leading are part of becoming a conscious leader.
Three Ways We Close our Hearts, Limit our Lives, and Wreak Havoc at Work
The equation is consistent and logical. These three roles narrow our thinking, shut off listening, limit collaboration, destroy empathy, and drive inauthentic communication. They close our hearts to love. Research shows that caught in the drama we don’t or can’t use our personal power to creatively address critical issues or launch inspiring initiatives. With conscious awareness we step out of our blind spots and into more confidence, innovative thinking, and the possibility of making the difference we really want to make.